Fiction Kitchen Berlin: An Anthology of Weird and Wonderful Flash Fiction
When I went back to school to earn an MFA, one of the first stories I wrote for the program was a piece of flash fiction. Like most of my writing, it came from a place of paralyzed anger — this was toward the tail-end of the (for now, first) Trump presidency — and was about the warping of education, the unrelenting gnawing at the fabric of reality that’s only gotten worse since those days. Beyond that, I don’t remember much about the writing of it. But I do remember that, on the principle of Why not?, I sent it off to see if anyone would publish it. Not much later, I heard back from Shane O’Halloran, the editor of Fiction Kitchen Berlin, who liked it enough to put it in his journal. He’s since collected all the stories he published there into a book, which is available this month and can be found here.